Monday, January 14, 2008

First Communion

Printed paper is Paper Pizzaz Hot off the Press. Used a gold textured paper for the wine cup. The pattern is a Liz's original, traced the cup onto the gold paper and then cut it out.

The grapes and the host I painted on cardstock and then cut out and adhered to the card. The patterned paper I picked because it has the look of stained glass. Mimicking church windows. On to some Easter cards.

1 comment:

Naomi Ungry said...


I'm so glad that you've enjoyed viewing my photos and that they've been a blessing to you. That's the whole purpose of my blog--to be a blessing.

In answer to your question, I usually browse through my photos and find a picture to post and a verse comes to mind, or I do a search from Other times the Lord's put a verse in my heart that I want to share with a photo.

Again, I'm glad my photos could be a blessing to you. Any beauty in my photos fade compared to the beauty of God's most holy Word. That's where the greatest Blessing is found!

In Christ alone,

Ps. 16:11

painted by Liz Miller