Friday, January 4, 2008

A Beacon

I've been wanting to paint a lighthouse for a while, so here it is. I'm very pleased with the results. I used a canvas paper, because I wanted to paint the background also. For the sky I used a sponge to paint it. Also used a sponge for the water and sand. The white caps I used a liner brush with white paint. The lighthouse I painted all white first, so it would have a good coverage over the background. With double loading the brush I was able to get the shading of the lighthouse. Then I side loaded the brush in the dark color and shadowed all the lighthouse edges. On to finishing up the other lighthouse cards.

1 comment:

StraightMom said...

Great job, Liz. I've been visiting, just not posting. I'm sorry about that. I know comments are encouraging to keep up the blog. I love the picture of the sisters. Looks like mom had just finished her power walk, probably the day she called to make it to the lighthouse.
Love ya.

painted by Liz Miller