Sunday, October 12, 2008

The Camino de Santiago

My second card, inspired by the pilgrimage is chestnuts.
Why chestnuts? My sis wanted some cards with chestnuts, and there were chestnut
trees on the journey across Spain.
I'm adding pictures of the beauty we walked through.
It was truely breath taking.


Mighty Minimalist Mama said...

So glad you're back and painting again. I love the new cards and I'm sure there's plenty more inspiration in the trip so I look forward to cards in the future (always do). Be looking in the mail for a gift that was inspired by several pics posted on the other blog. I think you'll love it.

Chrissy D said...

This is such a peaceful scene - I cna almost feel a gentle breeze! Thanks for sharing your beautiful artowrk, painting and pictures of Spain, Liz!

Goat zeets said...

Double wow

painted by Liz Miller