Saturday, November 10, 2007

girly stripes and dots

With this card I used the pocket fold and made a purse out of it. Painting the stripes and dots, adding some rick-rack,buttons, and beads, there you have a purse.

Slip in a gift card and they're ready to go shop.


Mighty Minimalist Mama said...

Definitely got to get me some of these for Christmas. Too cute. Maybe you could bring some to Sanibel and I'll get them from Mom.

Liz's Lovelies said...

You got it, I'll make some up and give them to your Mom.
I tried leaving a comment on your blog, but it failed , I'll try again.
Love, Liz

Mighty Minimalist Mama said...

Thanks for letting me know the blog comment didn't work. I'll check that today.

painted by Liz Miller