Thursday, December 6, 2007

purse ornaments

I had some orders to fill for the purse cards. My sister Nancy gave me a great idea, she said the purses you could use as an ornament on the tree. Thanks Nancy, great idea. so I've been busy designing card purses. The purple roses I painted and then outlined with the sparkles paint. The other three I designed using the DCWV paper. I cut out some of the elements in the paper to use as accents on the purses. The purses are trifolded and then I attach velcro to the inside as a closure on the purse front. I use coordinating fiber,ribbon or strung beads as handles the purse handles. I also painted some Christmas purses. Snowflakes are painted using the sparkles paint. The trees are painted and then I brushed on snow writers paint for the snowy effect on the front of the card.

1 comment:

StraightMom said...

OOhhh, such a cute idea. I'll have to visit my friends and sneak my purses on to their trees for a treasure hunt. Tee-hee.

painted by Liz Miller