Friday, October 5, 2007

My husband painting

I was on a road trip with my sisters, so I haven't been blogging lately. We went to Missouri and stayed
with a sister there. While there we went to the Missouri Botanical Garden in St. Louis. I got a lot of inspiration for my paintings. This is a water lily painting in dedication to our sister's road trip.
My sisters rock! My husband has been busy with painting also, he's painting the trim on our house. He has a tall canvas to work on. Keep on the watch for more flowers inspired by my sisters road trip.


StraightMom said...

Looks great. I got the packet of cards and can't wait to start showing them off to people. They're wonderful.

Ro adored her card as well and treasures it. Thank you for the generous gift.

I'll be back on track for daily blogging so watch out! :)
Love ya.

Anonymous said...

I'd like to order 3 each of the sister trip inspired card. The lily pad ones are great. Me in Boone x0

painted by Liz Miller